Key Components of Lotion Pump Heads for Cosmetic Treatment Pumps
Lotion pump heads typically consist of the following six components:
The head of a lotion pump is usually made of polypropylene. As a pump head, it performs the main task of expelling material from the lotion pump reservoir when pressed from above.
The device performs the most important task, securing the entire material to the neck of the lotion pump. Ensuring the safety of the entire assembly is critical.
Outer gasket
It helps prevent material leakage from the bottling area. Usually made of low-density polyethylene or rubber, it is usually friction fit in the closure.
The housing unit assembles all parts of the lotion pump in one place. In addition to this, it is also used as a transfer container to transfer material from the dip tube to the actuator.
inner housing assembly
The inner housing assembly includes the ball, spring, piston, and valve stem, as well as the inner housing compartment. Specifications may vary by manufacturer.
dip tube
Made of polypropylene, it is a long tube that runs from the head to the bottom of the lotion pump.