Plastic lotion pumps are a prominent dispensing method for viscous liquids. These personal care liquids exist in the beauty industry. They come in all shapes and sizes. If they are used and designed the same way, the lotion pump will dispense the desired amount of lotion.
Structural Features of Lotion Pumps
Before buying a lotion pump from a lotion pump manufacturer, it's best to understand how it works. While there are multiple designs in the industry today, one basic principle applies to all designs. This blog post explains the lotion pump and its components. It also addresses how they generally contribute to the pump's function.
The shut-off of the lotion pump is a function of screwing the assembly onto the bottleneck fish. Usually, it is identified by the neck destination. These destinations include approximately 28 to 400. Mainly made of a plastic called PP, the cover is designed with impressive ribbing. It also comes with a relatively smooth surface.
The closure comes with a shiny shell that gives the lotion pump an eye-catching look in special cases.
Lotion pump piston
Lotion pump pistons come in a variety of designs. Some have housing components that isolate the metal from the product channel. Such pumps are known as metal-free access lotion pumps. It is so named because the product stored in it cannot touch the metal spring of the pump.
lotion pump tube
The dip tube of the lotion pump is made of the famous PP plastic. This plastic extends to the lotion pump, allowing users to easily squeeze out the lotion. Usually, the pump is paired with the bottle. Then there's a protruding bottle pump paired with a dip tube. The length of the tube is long enough to reach the contents at the bottom of the bottle. In addition, the 3-step measurement phase of the test tube must also be considered when purchasing a lotion pump. A well-cut dip tube makes it easy to maximize lotion utilization while preventing clogging.
Lotion pump output
The output of the lotion pump is a plastic material, measured in cc. Also common in 0.7 to 3cc brackets. There are also larger pumps with larger chambers and longer pistons. The output of the piston is about 8cc. This explains why different manufacturers on the market have different outputs for each lotion pump product. This provides a wide range of dose control for the product and its users.